"Normal" is Over-Rated

Through the eyes of the world, I am a normal girl. I live in a small town. I work a regular job during the day. I have two young children. I rent a little house. Normal right? But the truth is, my life has been anything but normal. In fact, I barely have any real conception of what normal even means.

In actuality, I reside in an entirely different world that lies behind the curtain of reality that people see - a curtain that most people do not even attempt to look past because let's face it, the reality is that most people are much too consumed with their own lives to look beyond the superficial layer of someone else's.

My name is Cassandra, and I am not a normal girl. And...I am ok with that. You see, I don't need the acceptance of the people who are more interested in the superficial things I have to offer than they are in getting to know the depth of my heart. I don't need validation based on my performance of a specific task - a validation that must be earned again and again with each new expectation that is placed upon me. I do not need to conform to the expectations of men in order to receive love. I am simply "me" and I have no reason to be ashamed of that.

This blog is the gateway that exposes the world on the other side of that curtain that separates me from you. It reflects the world in which I actually live. It reflects the truth and what's real, as opposed to the made-up reality that we, as imperfect beings, create so that we can convince ourselves that everything is ok.

Let's be real here - that fake reality and the façade that we put up only exchange the truth for a lie. So, the dichotomy here lies in the fact that the world we make up so that we can convince ourselves that we are ok, is actually where we remain broken. It isn't until we accept that we are broken and stand in the truth, though messy and hard at times, that we can finally find peace...

Welcome to my world - and I challenge you to expose yourself and welcome others to yours...


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