"Beautifully Broken"

Part 2 "We must walk in the truth so that we can get to the other side of healing. We must get comfortable with being uncomfortable." In part one, I talked about the scars that we acquire as we walk through life in a broken and harsh world. As a result, so many of us put on a full body mask and hide our battle wounds from others and from ourselves, hoping that if we cover them up, we can forget about them forever. The problem, however, is that "forgetting" or "ignoring" the truth does not actually change what's true and it eventually takes its toll on us at a core level. See, the truth is the truth regardless of if it's ever spoken. There is no such thing as a true secret. There is ALWAYS at least two who know: the secret-keeper and God. So again, let's just call it what it is: the thought that we can hide our scars or make them disappear "is a lie". We are who we are, and maybe today that's a broken pe...