Take My Heart

Life is hard, but my choice remains. I joyfully surrender my heart of stone for the new, changed heart He has given me. Sometimes life doesn't feel fair. And almost always, it doesn't turn out the way we planned it to be. Sometimes what we want, we don't get to have. And I'd love to say if we do the right things and if we pray everyday, eventually we will get it. But the truth is, sometimes we don't experience the fullness of God's plan during our short time here on Earth. As I write these words, I find myself alone in an empty house. I paced the hallway for the last several hours fixated on the unjustness of sin. I found myself righteously angry because of the consequences and pain suffered by His people as a result of sin. My son had surgery this morning to have his tonsils removed. I was there. I held his hand. I nurtured him and comforted him, just as mommies were designed to do. I knew everything that one would need to know about their ch...