Planting Seeds of LIfe...

As a mother, I want nothing more than to nurture my kids. Like a gardener who cultivates the soil that will one day bear great fruit, I want to plant seeds of Christ-like love into the hearts of my children that will foster hope, peace, generosity, a sense of self worth and value, boldness, righteousness, and a deep love for the Lord. I just had the most special moment with my 9 year old last night - one of those defining moments between a mother and her child that leave a permanent mark. My son was upset. He seemed flustered and angry. There have been times in the past when I've seen him this way and my immediate reaction was to discipline him for acting out. However, I did not do this. What I've learned about feelings is that there are often deeply rooted emotions that are buried so deep that they end up being revealed as something different - it's essentially a defense mechanism so we can feel safe and unexposed. It's ...