Our days are numbered. We are all dying. Some just faster than others. Time. It is the most taken for granted possession we have. We waste it in a way that we'd never waste things like money, gas, and so on. A gift that was given to us, we simply take for granted assuming that it will always be there when we need it. That's a lie. Our days on earth are numbered and every day we are closer to our last. The reality is each one of us are dying. Some just faster than others. We all hear about the stories of the person who has a major epiphany after receiving a death sentence. We hear about the change in perspective and how quickly priorities change. But the reality is we all have that same death sentence and we never know how soon our time will end. I, too, have recently developed a new relationship with time. It is something I must literally fight for every day. It is a precious commodity and each new day that I am fortunate enough to receive is a...